Category Archives: Uncategorized

Over the next few posts, I am going to talk about some pretty special people in my life. Distance has no effect on our relationships, and if anything, these friendships are more precious than any friendships I have back home.

These girls are always around for me and each other. We encourage each other to try new things(bwhahaha), we help out each other with problems, we talk shit about our day and these girls make me laugh so hard. Wet my pants hard!

We are crazy. Bat shit crazy. So crazy that we get each others crazy. I feel sorry for the husbands of these girls, they must have sore necks from shaking their heads at our crazy. I know mine does, every time the mobile goes “ding” it’ll be another FB message, he looks and says “Do I need to even ask?” No dear, you don’t need to ask.

They know who they are. Old friends and new ones too!  I love them all, in their own “special” ways!

Enough of the mushy crap cat.

Now the rains have stopped, I can get some things out into the sunshine, take pictures of them and share them with you all. Which is probably only those that I am talking about above, but hey, thats OK 😀

And yes SOME of us have slept this close before, bwhahaha sammich time!


I’m in!!!!!!!! It took me over a year….. But I am in!!!!

Little White Dove

Well this weeks Saturday Night Boogie theme is new songs that I’m loving.

They may not be new to you, but they are new to me, as I don’t very often listen to the radio.

Short and sweet this week!

So I failed with Blogtober!  I started off well as I do every year, and then just fell of the face of the earth.  I have had a lot of stuff going down around home, and that took priority.

I did however managed to fit in a 13 hour sewing day with my fellow Melbourne Modern Quilt Guild friends.

13 hours of sewing bliss, with not one hint of “Mum I’m hungry” So nice.

I worked on my Groove Quilt.

And I had intentions to do some more hand sewing on this quilt, but chatting took over.


You can read a little more about the day at Melbourne Modern Quilt Guild.

You can also read about it at Beccasauras! Post1 and Post2.

If anyone else has blogged about it and would like their link added, comment below!

When a girl needs to Zentangle she needs supplies.


So starting with pens/pencils. For the pencil I use HB. And for the pens I use Faber-Castell 4 Pitt artist pens. I also have an eraser, just in case.
I have by my side a couple of Zentangle books, so that if I get stuck for ideas I have something to refer to.
I also have coloured Fine Point pens, for when colour is needed.
And lastly I have my sketch pad. And what’s that I see?? My latest Zentangle.

I have a small canvas that I have been using to test all my pens, coloured pens, markers, text as and pencils on. Because I have an idea.
How cool would it be to have your very own Zentangle canvas?!?!?! Super cool I say. I have been drafting ideas, googling ideas and testing my supplies. And I think I am almost ready to start the canvas. So stay tuned!

Well today is day 1 of blogtober! Nothing like leaving your blog post to the last minute. Not sure if I am going to be able to post every day, I have failed EVERY other year, so why should this year be any different.

So today’s topic “Zentangle”.
I may or may not have accidentally started a Zentangle craze amongst my crafting buddies. Sorry gals, but I know at times you have enabled me, so eventually I had to enable you all.

I have done a few little Zentangles anew am currently working on my biggest one.




Tonights theme: 90’s Female Dance! Whoop Whoop!





(I know you already had this one Car, but it fit’s perfectly with my theme, so I had to have it too)



I have decided to join my friends who do a Saturday night boogie on their blogs.  Rach, Car and Bee.

Tonight’s theme for me is One Hit Wonders.


Excuse the bad picture, and the colours just aren’t right!
